General Robot Design#

Getting to know the basics of robot design


  • After reading through the game manual, teams then decide which tasks from it, they plan to have their robot complete
  • After deciding these teams typically break their robots into subysystems, or different task completers, that make up their whole robot

Some common subsystems used in most games include

  • Drivetrains (To give the ability to drive around)
  • Intakes (To collect a game piece)
  • Transfers (To transfer the collected object through the robot)
  • Shooters (To shoot, or launch the game piece out of the robot and score)
  • Elevators (To lift game pieces, or even subsystems of the robot to a higher elevations during the match)
  • Climbers (To climb a field element, typically at the end of the match)
  • Electrical Layout (Always remember to include the electronics in the design of the robot, the robot cannot function without them)

Each game has differnt objectives to complete, thus creating the need for different subteams every year

Splitting it up#

These subsystems are often designed by different groups of students in CAD, and put together in whats called the top assembly - Subsystems should fit together like a puzzle, and collsions should be worked out before building the robot - Subsystems should be designed in a modular fashion so they can be easily assembled and maintained

Best Practices#

Designing a robot is a large task and keeping using tricks and practices make it easier

  • All parts of the robot should be easily accessible, or be easily removed to give access to all parts
  • All parts of the robot should be created with standard measurements to ease assembly and creation
  • All parts should be designed as light and as small as possible to satisfy the weight and size constraints mentioned in the game manual (it is very common for robots to be overweight, which prevents them from competing if you cannot make them lighter before inspection)
  • Robots should be sturdy and strong to withstand impacts from other robots on the field, and gradual wear and tare from use\
  • Robots should be built modularly to ease assmebly, and also allow for easy replacements of broken part


This is a tip.

Section One#

  • Some info
  • Some other into
    • Some sub info

Section One Subsection#

Section Two#

  • Info
  • Info 2


This is a tip.