All Classes and Interfaces
Custom REV Blinkin framework making it easier to set colors and patters over
Enum containing every REV Blinkin pattern
SuperNURDs boolean preference base class
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SuperNURDs double preference base class
Custom 12 Button Joystick set up for Logitech F310 Gamepad
Custom 12 Button Joystick set up for Logitech Extreme 3D Joystick
Custom Joystick for the Logitech F310
SuperNURDs false preference base class
SuperNURDS int preference base class
Linear Interpolation Table for finding the best value based on limited data
Wrapper for the Limelight
Point in 2D space
SuperNURDs encapsulation of RobotPreferences
A wrapper for a swerve module's physical constants.
Constants for modules that have a Falcon as the drive motor (the steer motor
type doesn't matter here)
Constants for modules that have a Kraken as the drive motor (the steer motor
type doesn't matter here)
Custom 32 Button Joystick set up for the custom-made SuperNURDs Switchboard
SuperNURDs true preference base class
Custom class for Xbox Controller use
SuperNURDs double zero preference base class
SuperNURDs double zero preference base class