Kickoff Guide

Build Season

Period of time from Kickoff to Champs

Build Season Schedule

  • Kickoff Starts 8 am to 7:30 pm
  • Mock kick off 9 am to 2:45 pm (meeting ends at 5 pm)
  • Saturdays 9 am to 9 pm (lunch and dinner provided - parent volunteers welcome)
  • Fridays 3:45 pm to 9 pm (dinner provided - parent volunteers welcome)
  • Tuesdays, Thursday 3:45 pm - 7:30 pm
  • Holiday (non-school days) meetings 9 am to 9 pm (lunch and dinner provided - parent volunteers welcome)

Expectations for build season

  • Please come to all meetings that you can, we are a team working together for a common goal
  • If you cannot attend a meeting (or will be late) please fill out the absent form
  • Make sure all work assigned to you is complete
  • If you have to leave before the task is completed or have to miss a meeting please find someone to cover you/take over and notify a mentor
  • Use meetings as time to ask mentors questions and get feedback
  • Try to complete individual items between meetings
  • Keep the shop neat and orderly
  • Do not play video games on any devices
  • No yelling unless there is danger or someone is hurt
  • Have fun but be professional
  • Follow shop safety rules
  • Back packs in the coding cave
  • Maintain good grades, school comes first!

MOCK Kickoff

A teaching run of kickoff using a past FRC Game.

Mock Prep

  1. Create Mock Kickoff Google Drive Folder
  2. Share folder via team website
  3. Assign people to past FRC Game Manual Sections
  4. Link Game Manual to for easy sharing
  5. Layout team laptops in group locations
  6. Pre-download Game Manual

Mock Schedule

Time Duration
9:00 am 15 min Students arrive
discuss how holiday break was
9:15 am 45 min Discuss build season expectations and schedule
10:00 am 30 min Watch Game Animation & Field Videos
Take notes
10:30 am 15 min Unbox KoP (Put old game pieces in tote and pass around)
10:40 am 1 hr Regroup/Game Manual Breakdown
Break into groups read aloud
document important items into group’s folder
11:40 am 1 hr Present group findings creating a master list
(have group that presents match play and game rules go last)
12:40 pm 50 min Lunch Break
1:30 pm 1.5 hr Scoring method Analysis
(ranking points vs match points)
(point calculations/combinations, look at density, looking at auto vs teleop)
(Do RP become match points?)
3:00 pm 30 min Feature importance List creation
(features are ability that our robot has that drive the design)
(ex. score high, mid, low, all autonomous)
3:30 pm 30 min Feature importance list rankings
4:00 pm 30 min Show Real Robot Examples
4:30 pm - End Mock Kick off


Broadcast Link


  1. Create Kickoff Google Drive Folder
  2. Share folder via team website
  3. Link Game Manual to for easy sharing
  4. Tell students bring laptops/tablets to kickoff
  5. Tell students to pre-download Game Manual
  6. Layout team laptops in group locations
  7. Pre-download Game Manual


Time Duration
8:00 am 1 hr Students arrive
9:00 am 1 hr Watch Kickoff broadcast
10:00 am 30 min Watch Game Animation & Field Videos
Take notes
10:30 am 15 min Break (Mentors split up manual)
10:45 am 30 min Read Game Overview in Groups
(make sure technology is working)
11:15 am 15 min Unboxing KoP
11:30 am 30 min Lunch
12:00 pm 1.5 hr Regroup/Game Manual Breakdown
Break into groups read aloud
document important items into group’s folder
1:30 pm 1.5 hr Present group findings creating a master list
(have group that presents match play and game rules go last)
Each group gets 30 min
3:00 pm 15 min Break
3:15 pm 2 hr Scoring method Analysis
(ranking points vs match points)
(point calculations/combinations, look at density, looking at auto vs teleop)
(Do RP become match points?)
Consider our robot the only robot
one person read one person write
include processing time in durations/max scores
5:15 pm 30 min Dinner
5:45 pm 2 hr Feature importance List creation
(features are ability that our robot has that drive the design)
(ex. score high, mid, low, all autonomous)
7:45 pm 15 min Tell everyone to look up similar games and mechanism research,
to come with ideas for Monday
8:00 pm 1 hr Game piece interaction prototyping and Video/part research
9 pm - End Meeting

Breaking down the game manual

Game Manual Download


  • Just read title of evergreen rules
  • Each person reads a paragraph aloud and then group decides what is important for the whole team to know
# Section Name Group
1 Introduction Read after meeting
2 FIRST Season Overview Read after meeting
3 Game Sponsor Recognition Read after meeting
4 Game Overview (~1pg) Everyone
5 Arena (~30pgs)
Skip FMS section
Focus on Field Zones
Element Names
Focus on Game Zone Locations
Focus on Important Dimensions
6 Match Play (~10 pgs) 2
7 Game rules Robots (~10pgs) 2
8 Game Rules Humans (10pgs)
9 Robot construction (~30pgs)
focus on starting config (9.1)