Updating Dynamic Pages

  1. Login
  2. Select Content Manager from the sidebar:

Yearly updates

  1. New Season needs to be added to the Past Seasons collection.
  2. Active mentors (Mentor Collection) need to have new tag added for the new season year (Years Mentored Column).
  3. Active students (Student Collection) need to have new tag added for the new season year (Years Active Column).
  4. New students need to be added (Student Collection).
  5. Graduated students (Student Collection) need to have
  6. College added College Column)
  7. Majors added (Major Column)
  8. New tag added for graduation date (Graduation Year Column)
  9. Update the "#### Season" link to the new year
  10. Rename to new year
  11. Change link to new year item

Editing a Collection

  1. Select a collection:

Adding a new item

  1. Click + New Item (form mode) or scroll to the bottom and click + (spreadsheet mode):

  2. Fill in the the fields for the new item.

Editing an item

You can either edit the item in spreadsheet mode or form mode:

Spreadsheet Mode

  1. Select the cell of the desired item.
  2. Change the cell contents.

Form Mode

  1. Click the expand icon (hover over the first column in a row to make it appear)
  2. Change the desired fields in the form