Naming Conventions


  • Classes should be UpperCamelCase
  • Methods should be lowerCamelCase
  • Local & Instance Variables should be lowerCamelCase


Unit Type Preferred Unit to Use
Distance Meters
Distance per Time Meters per Second
Angle Degrees
Angle per Time Degrees per Second
Time Seconds
  • If the unit does not fall under any of these types and is not readily apparent from the variable type/name, add a JavaDoc for that variable specifying it's unit. Avoid unnecessarily specifying units in the variable name.

Example: ❌

public static final double CURRENT_LIMIT_FLOOR_AMPS = 1; // Floor: What we limit it to

Example: ✔

* Floor: What we limit it to
* Unit: Amps
public static final double CURRENT_LIMIT_FLOOR = 1; 
  • If you need to do any unit conversions to follow these conventions, do them in code using the Units class whenever possible. Avoid converting values outside of the code project.

Logging Values

  • In a subsystem, values should be logged with the string beginning with "SubsystemName/". This creates groups in SmartDashboard.

SmartDashboard.putNumber("Drivetrain/Roll", getRoll());


  • The Constants class should contain subclasses for each subsystem. The subclasses should be in alphabetical order.


public final class Constants {
    public static final class constControllers {
        public static final double DRIVER_LEFT_STICK_X_DEADBAND = 0.05;
  • All Constants should be SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
  • Variable names should avoid specifying which subsystem they belong to.

Example: ❌

public static final class constWrist {
    * Floor: What we limit it to
    * Unit: Amps
    public static final double WRIST_CURRENT_LIMIT_FLOOR = 1; 

Example: ✔

public static final class constWrist {
    * Floor: What we limit it to
    * Unit: Amps
    public static final double CURRENT_LIMIT_FLOOR = 1; 


  • The RobotMap class should contain subclasses for each subsystem. The subclasses should be in alphabetical order.


public class RobotMap {
    public static final class mapDrivetrain {
  • All ports should be SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
  • Each port should specify which type of port it is in its variable name. Example types: CAN, DIO, USB
  • Variable names should avoid specifying which subsystem they belong to.

Example: ❌

public static final class mapWrist {
    public static final int WRIST_MOTOR_CAN = 50;

Example: ✔

public static final class mapWrist {
    public static final int MOTOR_CAN = 50;


  • The RobotPreferences class should contain subclasses for each subsystem. The subclasses should be in alphabetical order.


public class RobotPreferences {
    public static final class prefWrist {
  • All preferences should be lowerCamelCase.
  • Variable names must specify which subsystem they belong to, as they need to be unique.
  • Variable names must match their SmartDashboard name.

Example: ❌

public static final class mapWrist {
    public static final SN_DoublePreference ANGLE_TOLERANCE = new SN_DoublePreference("AngleTolerance", 2);

Example: ✔

public static final class mapWrist {
    public static final SN_DoublePreference wristAngleTolerance = new SN_DoublePreference("wristAngleTolerance", 2);


Controller bindings in configureBindings() should be separated by Controller. If possible, reference a diagram of the controls in the separator.


private void configureBindings() {
    // Driver Controller
    // Diagram: assets\driverControls23.png

    conDriver.btn_Back... (more controls here)

    // Operator Controller
    // Diagram: assets\operatorControls23.png

    conOperator.btn_Back... (more controls here)